
Being in your twenties is hard. Being a female is hard. Making friends as an adult? Freaking hard. Filing your own taxes? Psshht. Dating? *Bangs head against wall*

I’m not being negative – I’m a realist.

OK, so maybe that was a little negative, but negativity aside, no one really prepares you for adulthood. There are people out there who have super star parents who taught them ev-er-y-thing, but for the majority of us, we’re learning as we go.

How do you figure out what your passions are? What do you do when you grow up? How do you keep a budget? Is quinoa actually good for you? What’s an Instagram boyfriend? Do I need a side hustle?

There are so many unanswered questions in life, and I’m just like you – I want answers! But newsflash world, most of the questions will get answered as you experience them. You have to learn by doing, by experiencing.

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “what makes you qualified to give me life advice?” Great question.

I’m not an expert, but I’m a people pleaser (an ISFJ) and I love to help. So that’s why I’m here. I’ve lived some life. I’ve been alive for twenty-five-years, and I’ve experienced a lot. Loss. Heartache. Joy. Friendship. Gratitude. Depression. Anxiety. Desire. Jealousy. Now I’m just listing feelings, but you get the point.

This blog has seen it’s days. From its inception as a blog where I posted school projects, to a fitness-only blog, it’s constantly changing. But that’s ok because so am I. And you will too. Most people do, and I want to help you (anyone, really) navigate through your twenties – a time that seems turbulent, but it doesn’t need to be.

Anyway, a little bit about me, Allie. I grew up in Olathe, Kansas and lived there for eighteen years of my life. I’m an older sister to two brothers, and I have two step-brothers. I’m Type A, so I have a lot of organizational pet peeves.

I graduated from Oklahoma State University with a B.S. in strategic communications. I work full-time at a marketing agency in Dallas, and I am attending school part-time at Texas Woman’s University to fulfill my dream of getting a B.S. in Dietetics and Nutrition.

I love animals, so I’ve fostered dogs through local animal rescues and I try to learn as much as possible about how they (dogs) communicate. I have one four-legged child, a dog named Bennett. I have lost many (many) nights of sleep because of him, but my heart couldn’t be more full of love.

I love to write, cook, and practice yoga. I’m a certified yoga instructor who teaches at Core Power Yoga. I’m an avid true-crime fanatic, and I’m subscribed to entirely too many podcasts to count (not just true crime). I enjoy curling up with a good book, and if someone will let me, I have dreams of one day flipping a house.

I’m really just like any other twenty-five-year-old trying to navigate my way through life.

Disclosure Statement: I will attribute any photos or musings that are not mine. My views and words do not reflect the views of my employer.